Payroll Tax Holiday

President Trump signed an executive order in early August which provides a payroll tax holiday for American employees that can be implemented starting today. The executive order is a temporary measure that goes into effect today and makes the deferral period September...

Protecting Interns

Interns are an important part of our team here at Converge, and not only are we a majority female team, but both of our current interns are also female. This is why we were particularly horrified about the news last week about Welsh politician Rob Roberts, inviting a...

Salary-History Ban Coming to Philly

Starting September 1st, in the city of Philadelphia, employers will be prohibited from inquiring about a prospective employee’s pay history. This ban comes from a 2017 law that has been bouncing through the courts. The Greater Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce, for...

The Vacation Problem

As it is now August, we are officially in the depths of summer. Yet many employees are rescheduling or all together canceling their vacation plans; and with the state of Pennsylvania currently recommending not traveling to 19 other states due to high numbers of COVID...
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