People First 2021

A new compilation of 2020 ADP research has concluded what we here at Converge have been saying since the beginning: put your people first. The pandemic has reminded companies to focus on the well-being of their employees, and the ongoing social justice movements have only intensified the importance of a work environment. But these are not the only major factors leading to this conclusion…


Workplace flexibility is expected to remain a top concern for 2021. 44% of employers now offer flexible working policies (almost double the number pre-COVID).  An October ADP Research Institute Study found that 65% of workers felt positive about the future flexibility of their organization. Further, employers are that are looking for  guidance on flexible work, and pay options have grown over 116% this year.

Workflow Systems:

Workflow was yet another area that saw major changes this year. Many companies had to adapt completely new workflows as they shifted to remote work. Other companies, were able to accelerate systems they already had in place to allow for this flexibility. The takeaway found across companies is that whatever system you choose to use, you need to ensure it empowers and supports your employees.


An ADP survey (of companies with 1,000 or more employees) reported that 39% of worker’s fear’s about health are a top concern. Workers on the other hand have actually become more resilient due to all the change. Employees who saw at least five major changes during the pandemic were 13.2 times more likely to be highly resilient. Those employees who trusted their leader’s ability to anticipate and communicate in the future felt psychologically safer, and therefore, better able to adapt and overcome change.


HR has taken an even more strategic role. Company leaders are now more than ever before turning to their HR department. As the need to quickly and efficiently introduce changes into the workplace, and communicate it clearly, HR has become the natural leader. HR has also been the one to help companies either metaphorically, or physically, re-write their handbooks and internal policies this year. Read more on the transformation of HR here.

In conclusion, there are more reasons than ever before to put people first. As the only constant is change itself; build your people, so that your company can continue not only to handle but grow from all the challenges it will face.

Read more from the ADP research here:


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