Successful Hybrid Work Leadership

As the world and the workforce landscape are changing due to technology, leaders in organizations can set an example for their workforce by providing a hybrid workspace. For many, in-person and face-to-face exposure and training is critical for professional development. Prioritizing time together, connecting in person, and building meaningful relationships can be fundamental to business performance and professional advancement.

Here are some tips for prioritizing a hybrid workforce.

Balance is Critical

Leaders who institute a balanced approach with hybrid work, are more successful. As some large companies are enforcing returns to the office, they are also seeing major pushback from their employees. People have become accustomed to remote work so finding a balance with hybrid work can foster a sense of trust and flexibility among its employees. In the most successful hybrid environments, employees come into the office at least twice a week, allowing for schedules to overlap amongst employees to bring them together.

Maximize Time Together

Successful leaders will be intentional and make the most of the quality in-person time together, to brainstorm, see where employees need help, and encourage community. The work environment also plays a role in this, so be sure to make the environment a desirable one, that employees enjoy coming to a few days per week.

Make Digital Communication Authentic

Platforms like Zoom and Microsoft Teams are commonplace these days but can often feel inauthentic. Digital communication needs to be as authentic as in-person communication feels. There is still a need for positive human connections. A successful leader can do this by creating and supporting an effective system for digital communication by keeping in mind tone, word choice, and true authenticity and transparency while on Zoom and Teams calls. These are all important aspects of building trust and remaining genuine.

Find New Measurements of Success

In a remote or hybrid environment, it’s still important to keep everyone on track with their work and do frequent check-ins to ensure work is being performed at the level of completion. However, there are other ways to check in with employees that don’t just revolve around tasks and performance. One thing a successful leader can do is check in with employees on their career paths, to see if they are still on track. Check-ins also help determine promotions, and whether employees are happy with how things are going. You can also think through what metrics are needed to accurately measure these areas.

For organizations to be successful, they need impactful and trusted leaders to help find a balance with employees, get the most out of their face-to-face time together, create trust and foster authentic communication, all while creating effective relationships to keep everything running smoothly. Leadership isn’t easy and figuring it all out in today’s world can be challenging, but our workforce depends on it!


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